Home » Music » 3.5-HOUR STUDY WITH ME / quiet jazz / 🌁 Tokyo Tower at sunrise / with countdown+alarm

3.5-HOUR STUDY WITH ME / quiet jazz / 🌁 Tokyo Tower at sunrise / with countdown+alarm

Written By Abao in Tokyo on Thursday, May 12, 2022 | 06:00 AM

🌁 Here is the sunrise playlist: https://youtu.be/YIZMY__ljl0 (don't forget to subscribe if you like it :) I'll post more) 👋 Good morning! It’s nice to see you again in this brand-new sunrise video. 🌄 It's 5:37 a.m. now. The sun will be rising in half an hour. 🗒️ What are some tasks you’re working on today? Feel free to share with us your to-do list in the comments! ✍️ Today, we’re in Odaiba, a large artificial island in Tokyo Bay. The bridge you see in front is the "Rainbow Bridge" 🌈 that connects Odaiba to Tokyo. BTW Both China and Japan have this week-long holiday in early May called the Golden Week. 🏝 Do you prefer to 🏄‍♂️ go out or stay at home 🛋 on a long weekend?? ⏱ TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER 0:00 - INTRO 1:20 - session ① 26:20 - break🍵 31:20 - session ② 56:20 - break🍵 1:01:20 - session ③ 1:11:45 - beautiful sun 🌄 1:26:20 - break🍵 1:31:20 - session ④ 1:56:20 - break🍵 2:01:20 - session ⑤ 2:26:20 - break🍵 2:31:20 - session ⑥ 2:56:20 - break🍵 3:01:20 - session ⑦ 3:26:20 - OUTRO 🌳 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ☕️ Buy Me a Coffee (You can support me directly here:)) - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/abao 🎧 Epidemic Sound (Where I get music for my videos) - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/1wzmes/ (30-day free trial) ▼ If you live in Japan as well 🍱Nosh (A low sugar, low salt healthy bentobox service. I order it weekly😋) https://nosh.jp/share/friend-202103/QtcAj 🎒 MY FAVOURITE GEAR 🎥 My Camera Gear - https://kit.co/Abao 💻 Best Laptop Stand - https://amzn.to/3qVoxJZ 📝 Best Screen Protector for iPad - https://paperlike.com/abao 💦 My Aroma Diffuser - https://amzn.to/3xYTdy9 💡 My Desk Lamp - https://amzn.to/3EY4jFn 🐼 Any of you interested in learning Chinese? My friend Vicky is teaching Chinese for free on Instagram @learnchinesewithvicky. Vicky is a five-time winner of the world's most prestigious literary translation awards, so I trust you'll be in safe hands :) https://www.instagram.com/learnchinesewithvicky/ 📮 Join my YouTube Playlist https://forms.gle/FCbexzbFhqBLQmNH6 ✉️Business contact:[email protected] 🏷#Studywithme #TokyoTower #StudywithAbao