You feel an overwhelming sense of deja vu on seeing this video. Where does this feeling come from? Surely you haven't seen this before...
You take a look at your youtube history in an attempt to pinpoint this uncanny unease that every idea and frame of this video that you have just watched has been presented before in ways similar if not identical to those in the aforementioned video.
It didn't take you long to see exactly where the imprinted feeling originated. You reel back in dazed confusion at the sight before you. But this is impossible! Every video in your youtube history is identical to the one you just watched; perfect photocopies, each and every one of them, the only difference being that they were presented by different accounts on the site!
You back out of your history to the Youtube home page. Another bout of shock hits you as you realize every video on the home page is afflicted in the same way, each one resembling none other but the Believer animation meme that you just watched! Similarities strike your eyes everywhere you look! Has it always been this way? Has every single video always held such similarities? You have to tell someone... You have to tell everyone! Go forth! Spread word throughout the Youtube comment section! Perhaps if you reveal to enough people their hopeless unoriginality you can bring about a new and better era! Only you can save Youtube!
This character's new, I'm not sure what to name her or what her story is yet, but I'll get there ^-^
Music: Believer by Imagine Dragons (NDrew's remix)