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[월급루팡 에이티즈] Ep.3 (Full Ver.) (ENG SUB)

Written By M2 on Wednesday, Feb 10, 2021 | 06:00 AM

[월급루팡 에이티즈] Ep.3 (Full Ver.) [Salary Lupin ATEEZ] Ep.3 (Full Ver.) ※Explain the game of yut (=Yut Nori) rules※ 'Yut Nori' is the korean traditional board game that the players cast fours yut sticks to move the tokens. Win the game when the first two tokens finish the trip. Total of 29 spaces, with 9 crossing in the middle. * Throw all four yuts at once* Do → 1 space (1 stick is flipped) Gae → 2 spaces (2 sticks are flipped) Geol → 3 spaces (3 sticks are flipped) Yut → 4 spaces (4 sticks are flipped) Mo → 5 spaces (Nothing is flipped) Go back one space if you get 'Back'. (only 'X' signed stick is flipped) Ep.1 (Full Ver.) ▶https://youtu.be/6MiO5d_PQso Ep.2 (Full Ver.) ▶https://youtu.be/hJMwopDKvf8 Ep.3 (Full Ver.) ▶https://youtu.be/AadnUlKReh4 Ep.4 (Full Ver.) ▶https://youtu.be/1Ri8mosXsh4 매주 수요일 저녁 7시 Mnet 방송 / 8시 M2 유튜브 공개 Every Wed. 8pm(KST) on M2 YouTube 일잘알 에이티즈의 우당탕탕 오피스 라이프👨‍💼 '월급루팡 에이티즈' ‘(주)에이티즈 홀딩스 TF팀’은 신사업 추진을 위해 각 계열사에 근무하던 에이스 멤버들이 엄청난 경쟁률의 AI 면접을 통과하여 만들어진 최정예 팀이다. 'ATEEZ Holdings TF Team' was created to develop a new business, consisting of the best employees of each department who passed the competitive AI job interview. What is a 'Salary Lupin'? It's a combination of the words, 'salary' and 'lupin' - the main character of a French mystery novel. As a slang in Korean, it refers to an employee who doesn't do his work but just takes home salary. #월급루팡에이티즈 #SalaryLupinATEEZ #월루티즈 More from #M2? :D Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MnetM2/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/M2MPD/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/M2MPD/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@m2mpd