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Final Fantasy 15 Rush timed quest Tyraneants. 222.6 sec.

Written By Dmitrij on Friday, May 12, 2017 | 04:00 AM

Gear: Noctis - Magitec x 2, Tech Turbocharger, Ulric's Kukris (does not matter, just need dagger), Apocalypse (dont have afro sword), Shield of the Just ( for some reason i have it on), Prince's Fatigues (no jacket). With food buff Noctis's magic is 1187. Ignis - Sagefire level 2, Zwill Crossblades (think those are the best), Flayer (For some reason), Hypno Crown, Mystic circlet x 2, Crownsguard Fatigues (no jacket). With food buff Ignis's magic is 1877. I dont think Prompto and Gladio are usefull in this fight. Food buff - Tomalley-Filled Dumplings (for Sagefire 100% Crit.)