Home » Music » Korg Monologue EBM D.A.F. style - transpose in sync - if slaved to impulse (but not Midi)

Korg Monologue EBM D.A.F. style - transpose in sync - if slaved to impulse (but not Midi)

Written By Elekktrikk Home Video Entertainment on Saturday, Oct 07, 2017 | 10:41 AM

The monologue is quite capable in terms of EBM-sequences (but even more when it comes to FX-sounds). Just found out how to stay in sync while using the latch function (live transpose of sequences) - it has to be slaved to a impulse sync signal. That's all. That doesn't work with Midi (see my other video: https://youtu.be/d2WeRZOVLAY).