#11thUrduguess #11thUrduimpstories #idioms #importantKhulase
11th Urdu Most Important Sentence Translation Into Urdu - Important Guess for Exams 2023,Khulase, Stories, Miukalme, Rudad and darkhast.
In this video,I will tell you about important letters, stories and grammar portion for the board exams 2023.
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These Questions are the most important questions which are likely to set in board exams 2023. This guess paper help 11th class students to get good marks in English portion. These important questions are very helpful for your Board Exams 2023.
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Credit: Punjab Text Books
This video includes:
11th Class most important Stories
Other Urdu Guess:
1st year Urdu Scheme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcpa6x_P9fQ&t=8s
This channel is related to educational videos.These video will helpful in your exams preparation.This channel also provide you notes and study material of FSC and MDCAT.This can help you to get good marks in final exams.
Paper presentation is very important regarding to the exams.
Subscribe my YouTube channel and also share video with other students.
1st Year English Scheme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcALHrhHMas&t=3s
1st year Most Importent Stories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI7HlrZMzfU&t=3s
Important Letter, Stories, dialogue and Comprehension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYwKSB_kODw&t=35s
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