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FFXIV The Crystal Tower Story - A Complete Quest Summary

Written By Eorzean Archons on Friday, Aug 13, 2021 | 07:22 PM

A Final Fantasy XIV story summary for the Crystal Tower - all quests from A Realm Reborn(ARR) - [Complete Story][Recap][Lore] This is the first alliance raid series for A Realm Reborn(ARR) in Final Fantasy 14. This includes the Labyrinth of the Ancients, Syrcus Tower, and The World of Darkness raids. #ffxiv #ff14 #ffxivlore #finalfantasyXIV #finalfantasy14 There are no spoilers AFTER this event in the ffxiv story. You are safe to watch this if you have finished the ARR MSQ. We are currently working on the next video in this series for the Alexander Raids! Be sure to subscribe to be notified of its release :) While we won't cover every detail of lore in these videos, as they are meant to be summaries, let us know in the comments below if you feel we missed something important! © SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Content: 0:00 Intro 0:08 Legacy of Allag 2:20 Sanding it Down 2:34 A Performance for the Ages 3:19 Labyrinth of the Ancients Quest 3:50 Labyrinth of the Ancients Raid 4:21 For Prosperity 4:34 Syrcus Tower Quest 8:36 Syrcus Tower Raid 11:54 The World of Darkness Quest 12:56 The World of Darkness Raid 14:57 The Light of Hope 15:47 Closing