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Export Video 4X FASTER in Premiere Pro! (Works with Nvidia & AMD)

Written By Matt WhoisMatt Johnson on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 | 10:52 AM

Learn how to export your videos 4X faster using GPU hardware encoding in Premiere Pro CC! This technique works with Nvidia & AMD graphics cards on PC, but not Mac yet. You will also learn how to fix the hardware encoding box if it is unavailable or using Quicksync instead of your graphics card. 📷 Download my 1080P Export Presets for Premiere Pro: https://go.whoismatt.com/1080pexportpreset/ 🎥 Download my 4K Export Presets for Premiere Pro: https://go.whoismatt.com/4kexportpreset/ ✌ Join the discussion in my Facebook Group: https://learnweddingfilmmaking.co/ ❗ Get a FREE TRIAL of Adobe Premiere: http://bit.ly/premierepro_trial Check if your Nvidia Graphics card supports 4X faster exports with nvenc: https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-decode-gpu-support-matrix#Encoder Check if your AMD Graphics card is supported by Premiere Pro: https://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/system-requirements.html 👰 Learn #weddingfilmmaking: https://courses.whoismatt.com/ Color Graded with WhoisMatt LUTs: https://whoismatt.com/luts ⏱ EDIT FASTER! I use Archaius Creative to help edit my videos & they want to help you too!: https://www.archaiuscreative.com/whoismatt (Get 10% off your first editing project when you use this link) ❗ Favorite Wedding Filmmaking Gear: https://kit.co/whoismatt 😃My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/whoismattcom 😉My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/whoismatt Music licensing sites I recommend: 🎧 Sound Stripe - https://whoismatt.com/soundstripemusic (use the coupon code "WHOISMATT" for 10% off a yearly or monthly subscription!) 🎷 ART LIST - https://whoismatt.com/artlistmusic (free extra 2-months when you subscribe using this link!) 🎵 Musicbed - https://whoismatt.com/musicbedmusic I’m required to state that I'm a part of affiliate programs for Amazon, B&H, SoundStripe, ArtList, Musicbed, and Adobe, and some of the links above are affiliate links.