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TU8 Rogue Agent Encounter?--Division 2 PvE

Written By Skill Down on Wednesday, Mar 11, 2020 | 05:00 PM

#61 TU8 Rogue Agent Encounter?--Division 2 PvE *This was on hard world difficulty and we didn't have great gear, so sorry it took so long haha. Tidal Update 8 is upon us and the hunt for Keener in New York City is on! New gear, new balancing, new max level and so much more is coming to the game again. Here is a look at a rogue agent encounter that my squad and I were challenged with when tracking down Keener this week. All spoilers are removed. ... My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Palidor365 Division partner youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_AD0oQfu0cvkJZWB807Hg ... This is the sixty-first video I have recorded from Tom Clancy's The Division 2 on Xbox 1. If you like what you see or want to see more of someone/something, let me know in the comments. Lots more Division 2 content is on its way! Thanks again for watching and all the support. Please consider subscribing if you haven't already to be notified when I post more new Division 2 content. Leave a like if it deserves it. Remember that when there is no other option, you can always Skill Down.