Home » Howto & Style » $6 Braidless Crochet in 45 Minutes NO LEAVE OUT!! Brazilian Curly Bundles Where??

$6 Braidless Crochet in 45 Minutes NO LEAVE OUT!! Brazilian Curly Bundles Where??

Written By Ari and Ela on Wednesday, Feb 19, 2020 | 07:15 AM

NOPE! This is NOT weave. Quick and Easy Curly Braidless Crochet Hairstyle; costs $6 and can be done in 45 minutes! Hope you enjoy 💕 Please share this video if you like it and subscribe! DEETS 👇🏾 C O N N E C T W I T H M E Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/arielfitz.patrick/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/arielfitzpatrickofficial/ FOLLOW MY MOM'S HAIRSTYLING PAGE!! ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/cherylhairdesigns/ N E W C H A N N E L Ariel Fitz-Patrick: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-r1XFpQ2pB1IHjngvxHcSA P R E V I O U S V I D E O S FASTEST Most Natural Faux Locs 👉🏾 https://youtu.be/UDVDvATw-N4 How I installed these 132 mini twists in 1 hour 👉🏾 https://youtu.be/YhZM3DkbyYs 30 Minute Passion Twists 👉🏾 https://youtu.be/7hbAEo-TpyI How I did this style braidless/with no cornrows 👉🏾 https://youtu.be/KtJK1nfMo8I ALL PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO CAN BE FOUND AT PRINCESSA BEAUTY SUPPLY STORE. Use promo code ARI0202 https://www.princessabeauty.com/ Braids = https://www.princessabeauty.com/us/jumbo-braid.html Taliah Waajid = https://www.princessabeauty.com/us/taliah-waajid-b-c-mlklev-in-8z.html Crochet needle = https://www.princessabeauty.com/us/skill-crochet-needle-6416.html or https://www.princessabeauty.com/us/skill-crochet-needle-3078.html Head wrap = https://www.princessabeauty.com/us/afro-style-scarf.html H A I R Outre Kanekalon Jumbo Braid Colour 2 2 1/2 Packs Used This hair can be found for as low as $1.99 at your local BSS For my lovelies outside of Canada, this is the closest I could find! https://amzn.to/39K0cvB P R O D U C T S Taliah Waajid Intense Moisture Bamboo & Coconut Milk Strengthening Leave-In Conditioner https://amzn.to/366J94v Hollywood Pure Jojoba Oil https://amzn.to/2tqcRV8 Creme Of Nature Extra Hold Edge Control https://amzn.to/2NFQbHl T O O L S CROCHET HOOK https://amzn.to/2Od9wkb M U S I C I N T H I S V I D E O (2nd song) https://soundcloud.com/akotheproducer https://www.instagram.com/ako.tp/ https://akotheproducer.bandcamp.com/releases C O N T A C T Business - [email protected] Personal - https://www.instagram.com/arielfitz.patrick/