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Solo vs. Group Play in Diablo 4 - Is it like an MMO? Hands-on Impressions & Details

Written By wudijo on Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 | 11:43 AM

#Diablo4 #Groups #Solo Keep in mind this is pre-open-beta info and some details might change! Multiplayer Overview: https://maxroll.gg/d4/resources/multiplayer Maxroll's New D4 Branch: https://maxroll.gg/d4/news/diablo-4-new-maxroll-website-branch Timestamps: 00:00 Do you even want to group? 02:18 Group XP share 04:13 The shared open world & trading 07:28 Group roles & meta ----------- Stream: https://twitch.tv/wudijo Discord: https://discord.gg/SwZ6kv8VSm Path of Exile Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXApYvw59S9MypwdXb1Pe_w Twitter: https://twitter.com/wudijo Maxroll Website: https://maxroll.gg/ Maxroll Discord: https://discord.com/invite/WBBwg5X I cover Diablo 3 & Diablo 4, but also other ARPGs like Diablo 2, Last Epoch & more. For Path of Exile content, visit my 2nd Channel "wudijo PoE". Here you can find game and build guides, highlights, clips from my streams, memes and more! Hope you enjoy my content :) If you want to support me, any of the following steps are very much appreciated: 1. Subscribe to my YouTube/Follow on Twitch & Twitter 2. Become a channel Member by clicking the "Join" button or this link (and get unique perks!): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC78d2aaqdrt02RfmtRLmlAw/join 3. Become a Twitch Subscriber (or use your monthly free Twitch Prime if you are an Amazon Prime user) 4. Donate with PayPal: https://streamelements.com/wudijo/tip 5. Like/comment/share my stuff! 6. Give me feedback how to improve!