Home » Music » Ao no Exorcist - "Wired Life" Romaji + English Translation Lyrics #63

Ao no Exorcist - "Wired Life" Romaji + English Translation Lyrics #63

Written By AnimeTranslations on Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 | 08:00 AM

This is the second ending to Ao no Exorcist Thanks for watching I hope you enjoy the video! I DO NOT MAKE ANY MONEY OFF OF MY VIDEOS. I MAKE THEM FOR PURE ENJOYMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT. Picture: https://i.imgur.com/dtAOtbz.jpg Lyrics: https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/aoex/wiredlife.htm Transliterated and translated by animeyay Feel free to request a video! Please note: If I end up posting a video you have requested, there's a chance that it'll get blocked in some countries or world wide. I can't do anything about it, and I'm sorry if this does happen!