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How to Prepare Stomata Slide for Microscopic Study of Stomata | स्टोमेता की स्लाइड कैसे बनाते हैं

Written By Solution- Pharmacy on Friday, Nov 16, 2018 | 10:30 PM

This video is also available in English. How to Prepare Stomata Slide for Microscopic Study of Stomata (English) By Solution Pharmacy https://youtu.be/rUZJF178i_U Download "Solution Pharmacy" Mobile App to Get All Uploaded Notes, Model Question Papers, Answer Papers, Online Test and other GPAT Materials - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.bolton.nqilv On the outer layer of the leaf of a plant are microscopic holes called stomata. Stomata control gas exchange and water loss by opening and closing. Stomata are of particular interest to plant breeders because plants with smaller or fewer stomata tend to have lower levels of evaporation and can survive drought better than those plants with more stomata. Additionally, researchers often study stomata for the effects of carbon dioxide and changes in atmospheric composition. In short, stomata are studied to measure any type of plant response to stress. Normally stomata open in the morning and close during the night. However, not all plants open their stomata during the day. Some plants such as cacti and succulent plants open their stomata at night and close them during the day, in order to prevent losing too much water. Stomata are usually found on both the top and the bottom of a leaf. Many plants have more stomata on the underside of the leaf. However there are exceptions, monocots, like grasses, have similar numbers on both the top and the bottom. Plants whose leaves rest on the surface of the water, like water lilies, often have very few stomata on the wet underside of their leaves. There are basically 02 common methods for stomata view- 1- By peeling the upper layer of a leaf as we have shown in the video 2- If it is not possible then place a clear nail polish in it and after drying place a transparent tape over it and peel it and transfer it under a microscope to see the stomata. Apparatus and Materials Required: Sampl leaves, forceps, needles, watch glasses, glass slides, a dropper, coverslips, a brush, blotting paper, safranin, glycerine and a compound microscope. Procedure: 1. Remove a healthy leaf from the potted plant. 2. Remove a part of the peel from the lower surface of the leaf. You can do this by folding the leaf over and gently pulling the peel apart using forceps. Keeps the peel in a watch glass containing water. 3. Put a few drops of safranin stain in a watch glass. 4. After 2-3 minutes take out the peel and place it on a clean glass slide. 5. Put a drop of glycerin over the peel and place a clean coverslip gently over it with the help of a needle. 6. Remove the excess stain and glycerin with the help of blotting paper. 7. Observe the slide under the low-power and high-power magnifications of the compound microscope. Get in touch with the solution by just clicking following links- Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/solutionpharamcy Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/pharmavideo/ New channel (Pharmacy Dictionary) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt6OXVV_2oxf5DD0Mad6e9A Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/solutionpharmacy/ E-Mail for official and other work - [email protected] LinkedIn- http://linkedin.com/in/pushpendrakpatel #solutionpharmacy #Pharmacologyclass #GPATonlinetest