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ESPONJA DE SILICONA | ¿Funciona este trasto?

Written By ratolina on Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 | 02:30 PM

----------------------------------------­-------------------------- ▷ M E N C I O N A D O S: Esponja de The Brush Tools - https://goo.gl/XuvRMd ----------------------------------------­-------------------------- ▷ C O N T A C T O E M P R E S A: (business inquiries): [email protected] ▷ D U D A S: http://www.ratolina.com/p/contacto.html ▷ ¡ S Í G U E M E ! web: http://ratolina.com instagram: @heyratolina - https://goo.gl/7OVpyR twitter: @heyRatolina - https://goo.gl/YL8OR5 pinterest: @Ratolina - https://goo.gl/wMR5wG facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heyratolina/ ----------------------------------------­-------------------------- ▷¿ Q U É L L E V O E N E L B O D Y ? Collar: https://goo.gl/xgWvQ7 Jersey: Shein, otras temporadas Pendientes: https://goo.gl/Rzbha3 Labios: (#10) https://es.kryolan.com/producto/faceliner Pestañas: https://goo.gl/b2zBwW Eyeliner: Essence super precise eyeliner (AMOR PURO) ----------------------------------------­-------------------------- ▷ M Ú S I C A : Vídeo: About That Oldie - Vibe Tracks Final: Bounce Ball - Twin Musicom Bounce Ball de Twin Musicom está sujeta a una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Fuente: http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/255/bounce-ball Artista: http://www.twinmusicom.org ----------------------------------------­-------------------------- ▷ I N F O . T É C N I C A : Cámara: http://amzn.to/2gVK7ZH Micrófono: http://amzn.to/2fhcXoi Focos: http://goo.gl/0m0nTf Anillo de luz: http://goo.gl/MefZ8N Software de edición: Adobe Premiere Pro.