Home » People & Blogs » Jeff Berlin's Bass Pull Offs

Jeff Berlin's Bass Pull Offs

Written By Jeff Berlin Music Group on Monday, May 01, 2017 | 05:29 PM

By incorporating a pull off element into your bass playing, you can include downbeats to make your music swing harder. Jeff's new bass course is now available at: https://www.jeffberlinmusicgroup.com/bass-lessons/ 1. Beginning-to-Intermediate Reading (with over 100+ etudes) 2. Intermediate Reading: Flats & Sharps 3. Various Scales 4. Chord Tones 5. Approach Notes Packages are available for individual purchase or as a full course (discounted) bundle. 2x month interactive "office hours" sessions with Jeff may also be purchased there. Also Jeff has created charts for Bb7 walking bass lines that we're offering now as a FREE download: https://www.jeffberlinmusicgroup.com/bass-lessons/bb7-walking-blues-lines Questions? [email protected]