今天我會和大家探討下怎樣訓練我們的核心肌肉而幫助我們的腰背痛. 其實很多朋友常常問為什麼要核心肌肉訓練會對腰背痛會好一點? 其實核心肌肉在哪裏, 核心肌肉是分佈在我們的腹肌和腰椎後面, 通常這個肌肉是幫助支持我們的脊椎. 你試想如果脊椎只有韌帶, 脊骨和椎間盤 , 基本上盤骨和脊骨沒有肌肉在這裡支撐著我們整個體重和身體擺動是沒有肌肉幫助支撐, 所以在核心肌肉包括我們的前腹肌, 後面的腰背和盆底肌的. 所以這裏有肌肉去支撐著我們的身體就可以支撐我們整個的體重. 除了我們常常坐着做工之外 平時可能姿勢也不好會突出肚腩或是腹肌不夠強的時候, 肌肉不夠力所有的力量會集中放在腰部, 所以很多病人如果姿勢不好就會令腰部容易產生腰痛...
Today I want to discuss how to train core muscles to relieve low back pain. Many of you ask why do we need to train our core muscles to improve back pain. Where is the core muscles? Core muscles attached at abdominal and lower back, these are muscles to support our spine. If the spine only has ligament, bone and intervertebral disc, the pelvis and spine would not have muscles to attach, then no support to our weight and our body movements. The core muscles includes our frontal abs, back muscle and underneath our pelvic. All of this muscle to support our body and support our weight. Apart from sitting and working, if our posture is not good, like sticking out tummy and abs not strong enough, causing tummy sticking out or no strength in our muscles. All the pressure will fall on lower back....
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Medical Center: www.excelmedicalgroup.com
MRI scanning: www.accurate-mri.com
Dr Matty Wong website: www.drmattywong.com
Collagen Supplement: www.drdisc.co
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Enquiries and appointments are welcome: +852 2804 6813
#Body Performance - Pilates Trainer Olivia