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How to change Flutter Android minSdkVersion, TargetSdkVersion in Flutter Project

Written By Proto Coders Point on Friday, May 05, 2023 | 06:09 AM

#flutter #android #fluttersdk #androidsdk To change the minimum and target SDK versions for your Flutter Android project, you need to modify the build.gradle file located in the android/app directory. Inside the defaultConfig block, you can change the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values to the desired versions. This above step will apply to current flutter project where you are changing minSdkVersion or TargetSdkVersion but if you want to change flutter.minSdkVersion that will apply to all the flutter project then you need to make changes in flutter sdk in flutter.gradle file under FlutterExtension class as shown in the video https://protocoderspoint.com/change-flutter-android-minsdkversion-targetsdkversion/ Support Proto Coders Point: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/rajatpalankar _______________________________________________ Comment below for any queries 😀 Follow and support me: 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/rajatpalankar 💬 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/protocoderspoint/ 💸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/protocoderspoint/ Be sure to ask for help in the comments if you need any. Suggestions for future Flutter tutorials are also very welcome! :) For mobile application development keep learning freely from proto coders point Visit: https://protocoderspoint.com/