Home » Science & Technology » Get Brighter Whites With Less Ink In DTF and DTG Using Single Pass Highlight White Underbase

Get Brighter Whites With Less Ink In DTF and DTG Using Single Pass Highlight White Underbase

Written By Fiery Specialty Production on Sunday, May 07, 2023 | 09:40 PM

NEW IN DIGITAL FACTORY v11! Digital factory uses our patent-pending single pass underbase and highlight white technology. In this video we will give a general overview of underbase and highlight white, and then look at how to set up single pass underbase and highlight white in the Rip. Traditionally, Underbase and highlight white printing is often used with DTG and UV printers using layers. On these printers, you first print the underbase layer with White, then you rewind the printer and print the colors with highlight white. With that configuration, a second pass to print more white ink is not possible. Highlight white prints only on white pixels and helps boost the white. Now with single pass Highlight White and underbase, Fiery's patent pending technology, provides the whitest whites, most vibrant colors and reduces print time without the need for a second pass.