0:57 Getting out of a bunker for golfers is usually easier than this. If animals can show this level of kindness what is our excuse?
1:55 A dad and daughter’s relationship is paramount but in this situation, it becomes even more important. Sometimes tragedy creates opportunities for great moments of kindness.
2:25 A big man understands big-man problems. These gentle giants are competitive but they also know when it’s appropriate to show some love.
3:10 The grandson is learning young to help others. Is it nature or nurture? Probably a little bit of both.
3:40 I am not sure if the dog is helping his owner lay some concrete blocks or just digging in the sand. Who says helping can't be fun?
4:00 This guy on the bicycle is struggling with his lumber load. This anonymous guy on the scooter sees an opportunity to lighten the load.
4:28 When a couple has been together for a long time, kindness becomes second nature. They know exactly what their spouse needs without a word being said. Love is a verb.
4:46 During quarantine so many delivery people were on the front lines to deliver what we all needed, so naturally, there was a bond built. They became our extended families in many cases.
5:45 Police have to use their judgment when responding to calls from the public. Sometimes they also need to let off a bit of steam. Even police know when it’s time for a little fun.
6:25 Any kind of freedom is greatly appreciated for someone who is paralyzed. These surfing company staff members rose to the challenge of helping this woman surf in Puerto Rico even though they had never done this before.
7:40 It is always touching to see the younger generation showing kindness to the older generation. Of course, it was the older generation who taught the younger generation to do this. It’s a great example of the circle of life.
8:20 The safety patrol is always alert to possible dangers that may allow them to perform an act of kindness. This is a classic act of kindness from the Boy Scout Handbook, helping a little old lady cross the street.
8:40 This kind backhoe driver sees a woman struggling with her work. He decides to take a break from his work and help her out. He probably saved her a day's labor.
9:15 The age-old story of firefighters helping a cat in distress. This one somehow wandered onto a ledge 7 stories up and couldn’t figure out how to get down. Felines all across the world thank you for your service.
10:00 A pro baseball player knows about timing and finesse. Although he didn’t let the kid mess up the play and catch the ball, I am sure the kid didn’t mind the company. Watch his reaction to seeing his baseball hero up close.
10:12 Unfortunately selfishness is always competing with people’s urge to show kindness. But thankfully, there are still some good Samaritans out there in the world to restore our faith in mankind.
12:45 Chicago has extremely cold winters which can create a precarious situation for the homeless in the city. Thankfully one hero is out there proactively searching for people in need and lending a helping hand.