Home » Entertainment » how kpop idols skin really look in real life

how kpop idols skin really look in real life

Written By braunie on Friday, Dec 31, 2021 | 08:12 AM

kpop idols are humans too. occassional breakouts and pimples are prone to happen to just anyone. this video is not to throw hate but just to maybe make anyone out there feel more confident in their skin :) song credits to: PawPaw https://youtu.be/THF8a38_8qg get your kpop merch here: you can get lightsticks, official albums, merch here: https://www.klootbox.com?aff=321 //use code: braunie (for 5% off) | instagram.com/klootbox follow me maybe? tiktok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJRv4sn2/​ thank you for watching ♡ ♡ all pictures and clips included are not mine ♡ all credit goes to the rightful owners ♡ i only do the editing ♡ no copyright infringement intended