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ESP32: Control LEDs through a webserver/webportal (WiFi Part 3) - Arduino

Written By MoThunderz on Thursday, Nov 18, 2021 | 06:06 PM

In part 3 of the ESP32&WiFi series I show how to control LEDs connected to an ESP32 through a webserver/webportal. Programming is done through the Arduino IDE. This video expands on the webserver code explained in part 2: https://youtu.be/15X0WvGaVg8 Starting point for coding along is: https://github.com/mo-thunderz/Esp32WifiPart2 Final code can be downloaded from: https://github.com/mo-thunderz/Esp32WifiPart3 Here the explanation on how to setup the ESP32 as Access Point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGt_5xQo2_0 If you have problems connecting the ESP32 to your router, see part 1: https://youtu.be/0AlATlN95Y0 Might you have problems programming the ESP32, pls refer to: https://youtu.be/xQkE0eDImkE