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How to set-up and start selling on Mercado Libre's Global Selling Program

Written By Grow Big on Friday, Oct 22, 2021 | 06:17 PM

Setting up on Mercado Libre's Global Selling Program is pretty easy and María Luján Isidro from Mercado Libre walks us through the steps here. And to get approved for the Cross-border selling program (Global Selling Program), here is the criteria discussed further in the video: Sellers specializing in our Top Categories: Consumer Electronics (CE), Home & Industries (H&I), Fashion & Apparel (APP), Toys & Babies (T&B) and Automotive Accessories (ACC) Experience selling on other marketplaces or DTC ecommerce success Average Selling Price (ASP): mid to mid-high ASP (Mercado Libre typically avoids products with very low or very high ASP that do not typically sell well through a cross-border program) → this will obviously depend on the category No Restricted Products Only New Products (Cross border does not allow for second hand products) Merchants must have their inventory in US territory. Merchants must have a legal address and TAX ID in the U.S. Book a 15 minute call to talk through next steps and personally introduce you to the right people to fast-track your progress: http://www.growbig.org/bookacall Email us at: [email protected] --------------The Grow Big Initiative ------------------- The Grow Big Initiative (GBI) brings together best-in-breed industry experts, business leaders and government officials to re-tool and empower small and medium-sized companies to get online and start selling to multiple channels and geographies. Visit: www.growbig.org