Home » Travel & Events » Sarti, Sithonia, Halkidiki

Sarti, Sithonia, Halkidiki

Written By nikana.gr on Friday, Jun 04, 2021 | 01:07 PM

Sarti je najpopularnije turističko mesto na Sitoniji. Ima predivnu, peščanu, kilometrima dugačku plažu i veliki broj hotela i aparatmana. Više informacija o mestu Sarti pogledajte klikom na link: https://nikana.gr/sr/vodic/sitonija/mesta/1914/sarti Smeštaj u Sartiju pogledajte na linku: https://nikana.gr/sr/smestaj/sitonija/sarti Sarti is the most visited village in Sithonia. The Blue Flag Sarti beach seems to have no end, the wide stretch of golden sand goes on for kilometers. There are many hotels and apartments to rent in Sarti. More information about the village of Sarti find here: https://nikana.gr/en/tourist-guide/sithonia/places/1914/sarti Choose you accommodation in Sarti and click by clicking here: https://nikana.gr/en/accommodation/sithonia/sarti