In this tour of the beauty in Elite Dangerous from EDTutorials by Exigeous we look at the top 10 most amazing sights to see in Elite Dangerous. Covering everything from Canyons to Nebula and everything inbetween these are some of the most beautiful, stunning and amazing sights you MUST see in Elite Dangerous. Elite Dangerous exploration is one of the greatest aspects of Elite Dangerous. These are the top 10 most amazing sights and explorer should see in Elite Dangerous as they are sights you must see!
#10 Stations
▶️Winner: Mic Turner Base: California Sector BA-A e6 4
#9 Natural Beauty
▶️Winner: Mount Neverest on Nervi 3 A
Water Geysers on Ariel in Sol
Epic Mountain Range on Pomeche 2 C
#8 Planets
▶️Winner: Midderand Hollow in Epsilon Indi
Achenar 3: Speedbowling
Skardee A 1: Massive heat
#7 Systems
▶️Winner: Collection of Wonders: Skaude AA-A H294
Pareco: Stations but no planets
Beagle Point
#6 Stars
▶️Winner: V Y Canis Majoris
Jackson's Lighthouse Neutron
HIP 63835: Triple Black Holes
#5 Nebula
▶️Winner: Tranquility’s Stop: Shrogea MH-V E2-1763
Pleiades Nebula
Barnard's Loop
Witch Head Nebula
Flame Nebula
#4 Guardians
▶️Winner: Guardian Beacon:
Ancient Ruins:
Guardian Structures:
#3 Thargoids
▶️Winner: Thargoid Structure:
First Barnacle on Merope 5 C
Site 94 on HIP 19284 A 2
Barnacle Forest on Hyades Sector AQ-Y d81 C 2
#2 Canyons
▶️Winner: Testicle Moon on Synuefe VM-D C15-10 2 A
Ariel in Sol
Milcayac 1 A
Pomeche 2 C
#1 Life in Lagrange Storms
▶️Winner: Lightning Storm Lagrange Clouds: PHLEEDGAA UJ-Q E5-185
Bark Mounds:
Sinuous Tubers:
Brain Trees:
00:00 Intro
00:55 10 Stations
02:07 9 Natural Beauty
02:57 8 Planets
04:13 7 Systems
05:28 6 Stars
06:44 5 Nebula
07:56 4 Guardians
09:01 3 Thargoids
10:14 2 Canyons
11:40 Honorable Mention
12:36 1 Life in Lagrange Storm Clouds
14:46 Conclusion
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