Home » People & Blogs » Joel Salatin's SECRETS to raising PIGS for LAND REGENERATION & PROFIT


Written By The Fit Farmer on Sunday, Aug 23, 2020 | 07:57 PM

The Pigness of the Pig is something that Joel talks about often but what does it mean? See how he uses pigs natural characteristics to regenerate the land. Make sure you sign up for our email list! Sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/ca246209027f/thefitfarmer Bootstrap Farmer has a huge selection of seed trays, hoop bender, greenhouse plastic, and more!! http://bit.ly/bootstrapfarmer Want to Support Our Channel? Shop for our favorite things in our Amazon Storefront- support our channel at no additional cost to you!- https://www.amazon.com/shop/thefitfarme The Fit Farmer Wish https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/198KFTZAJLNH2?ref_=wl_share If you would prefer to give directly to our channel, you can send PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/thefitfarmer Find us on Facebook The Fit Farmer ~~~Follow us on Instagram ~~~ Mike - @The_Fit_Farmer_ Lacie ~ @Yurt.Momma Big Pond Farm ~ @BigPondFarm Selah ~ @SelahDickson Josiah ~ @Josiah.Dickson We love to get mail!! ~~~Snail Mail~~~ The Fit Farmer P.O. Box 5205 Concord, NC 28027 Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com) Some of the links above are affiliate links which means we make a little money, for our family, if you purchase an item through the links above. Thanks for supporting our channel and farm!!!