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💰 ~ Let me know with a smile if you actually read this description :)
💡 A trick shared by our viewer André Luiz
You can set a hotkey from numpad to sprint, and then hold that key and press num lock and release the key, it will be running automatically forever :)
► Bonus: My Passive Income Guide:
► Compilation: All my guides:
► Posted byu/Emfx on r/blackdesertonline reddit.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/5jv6px/tinyguide_health_exp_gains_by_food_rarity/
- Green Rarity (~50 Health EXP)
- Blue Rarity (~75 Health EXP)
- Yellow Rarity (~150 Health EXP)
- Orange Rarity (~150 Health EXP)
Note: Orange Rarity food offers no benefit to Health EXP over Yellow Rarity on all foods tested.
► Aurafyre (Auraenys) Events! 💟
💟 April 2020: [GUIDE] Play With (Aura) Fyre - Newbie LevelUp
💟 February 2020: Black Desert: Next Top Model (See winning entries)
► Guild Shout Out! Thanks for the support! 🖐
🖐 Jumino from Fury Guild
🖐 Cielef and Aquilas from Disboard Guild
► About This Video
This is meant to be a step by step tutorial guide video to enable new players to learn how to train strength (increase weight), health (increase HP) and breath (increase stamina) in Black Desert Online 2020 PC and Steam version of the game. This logic is the same and can be applied to Console Xbox and Playstation 4 (PS4) version of the game as well.
► Support the channel
I structure my guide around new players in an effort to help them love the game as I do. It does take a lot of time to produce such contents and if you wish to support my efforts, you can also do so by:
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► Video Time Stamp
0:00 Thank you for 2k sub in 1 month!
0:23 Content of this video
1:02 Check level eligibility for Guild assistance
1:46 Guild Leader & Officer role (Officer needs allowance)
3:29 Guild Storage Sharing of items to Members
4:20 Fastest way to use the items (Note max level)
5:38 Remember to return the items for others
5:55 What is breath and how it affects you later
6:56 How to set autopath with Loop Repeat
8:38 How to start auto run & increase training rate
9:30 What is strength and how important it is at level 55 onwards
10:27 Training method with additional difference
10:55 How to buy a trade item
12:31 What to do with trade item when training ends
12:48 Health and its limitation, what is CD
13:06 How to quickly locate NPCs
13:45 How to locate food category from marketplace NPC
13:59 Sort item by grade or average exchange price
14:24 How to start buying
14:43 How to access the item you purchased
15:05 ways to cosume food
15:46 why hotkey quick slot is good
16:00 My discord is now open to everyone (lets form a positive & helpful community)
16:31 First players to ever recognize me in game (Shout out to you guys)
16:58 Who am I in game?
17:08 Aurafyre (Auraenys) in-game player hosted activity for new players
(be part of our Trinity Fam, join our discord, be safe, be well & take care everyone)
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