Home » Autos & Vehicles » 🔥WE DID IT! Crossing Cape York hauling 7m trailers (Frenchman’s Track, North QLD) (Part 1 of 2)

🔥WE DID IT! Crossing Cape York hauling 7m trailers (Frenchman’s Track, North QLD) (Part 1 of 2)

Written By All 4 Adventure on Friday, Mar 06, 2020 | 12:15 AM

PART 1: The boys take the challenging Frenchman's Track in Cape York to the next level, by towing fully loaded 3-tonne / 7-metre trailers! Joined by their good mate JB from BCF, the team must use all of their combined 4WDing experience to overcome the Pascoe, the Wenlock and all of the difficult terrain in between. The goal is to reach the West cost of Cape York for some epic boating and fishing - but it goes without saying that they'll have to earn it first! ----- Enjoy this video? Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=1all4adventure Watch full episodes of Unleashed & All 4 Adventure at: https://unleashed.tv/unleashed-library/ ----- Follow All 4 Adventure on Facebook for exclusive media, competitions, announcements and fan submissions: https://www.facebook.com/All4Adventure/ Join the All 4 Adventure Instagram community for daily photos, videos and other exclusive content from somewhere off the beaten track: https://www.instagram.com/all4adventure/ Interested in what Jase gets up to when he's not filming? Check out his personal account, Jase4x4: https://www.instagram.com/jase4x4/ Every adventurer (or adventurer at heart) needs to be a part of the CampBoss4x4 community for gear updates and exclusive giveaways: https://www.instagram.com/campboss4x4 ----- #all4adventure #4WD #capeyork