NEW Jailbreak iOS 13 - iOS 13.3 NO COMPUTER " easy " method FIXED! How to Jailbreak iOS 13.3 with Unc0ver and NO PC or Mac. Steps & Download HERE: 👈
Unc0ver Jailbreak iOS 13 signing services are BACK! However they will be revoked again - it's not a matter of "if", but "when". Once that happens, you MUST follow the work-around I detailed HERE:
❤️ How to Install Unc0ver ONCE Revoked!
--- --- --- --- --- --- AFTER Jailbreak, PREVENT Revokes --- --- --- --- --- ---
Once you've jailbroken successfully using this method, I highly recommend signing the unc0ver app yourself with reprovision. This will prevent the app from failing to open in the future. Simply follow this guide:
➡️ How to Use Reprovision to Jailbreak iOS 13 NO REVOKES:
➡️ Part 2 Reprovision: How to Sideload APPS NO COMPUTER:
--- --- --- --- --- --- New To Jailbreaking? How to Use Unc0ver --- --- --- --- --- ---
If you're brand new to jailbreaking and have yet to learn how to use uncover to jailbreak iOS 13 - iOS 13.3, follow either of our two guides:
❤️ Jailbreak WITH Computer & A11 Status HERE:
❤️ Jailbreak WITHOUT Computer HERE:
As always, this jailbreak only works on up to iOS 13.3. This means you CANNOT jailbreak iOS 13.3.1 with this version of unc0ver. This is because Apple closed the main exploit used to jailbreak with the release of iOS 13.3.1. You'll need to WAIT for a new jailbreak to drop (this could take a while). In the meantime, don't update to new versions of iOS 13 (like iOS 13.4, 13.4.1, 13.4.2, 13.5, etc.) when they're released. STAY WHERE YOU ARE!
If you own an iPhone X or older however, feel free to use checkra1n to jailbreak iOS 13.3.1. Check out the links below for details:
--- --- --- --- --- --- Unc0ver & Checkra1n iOS 13 Jailbreak Coverage --- --- --- --- --- ---
▶︎ Brand NEW Unc0ver 4.3.1 Update:
▶︎ Top 50+ iOS 13 Jailbreak Tweaks for A12 & A13!
▶︎ Unc0ver A13 Jailbreak WINDOWS or MAC:
▶︎ How to Update Unc0ver / Sideload Apps:
▶︎ Jailbreak iOS 13.3.1 Tutorial for OLDER devices:
--- --- --- --- --- --- End of Useful Stuff --- --- --- --- --- ---
** YouTube: Jailbreaking is 100% legal under the DMCA. Discussing iOS Updates is LEGAL. **
Thanks for watching ♥︎
#Jailbreak #iOS13 #Unc0ver