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TVS 5th Roll Ball World cup 2019

Written By NEWS360d on Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019 | 01:18 PM

5Th Roll Ball World Cup 2019:- Men's Title won by India and Women's Title won by Kenya THE GAME OF ROLL BALL is played between two teams of 12 players, 6 on the field with 6 players on reserve. This game is played on Roller skates by repeatedly bouncing and passing the ball and scoring goal. The team scoring maximum number of goals is declared the winners. The game of Roll Ball is born in 21st century in India. It is a complete Indian Game which is MADE in INDIA – MAKE in INDIA Game. The maiden demonstration of the game was organized on 2nd Feb 2003 at Pune, Maharashtra by the founder of the game Shri RAJU R DABHADE a humble physical education teacher by profession from Pune. The First International Roll Ball championship was held at Pune in Jan 2006 between India and Pakistan and against South Africa in the same year. In the year 2007 & 2008 International competitions were held at Singapore & Dhaka at Bangladesh. In the year 2010 The First Asian Roll Ball Championship was hosted by the International Federation (IRBF) and Roll Ball federation of India (RBFI) at Hong Kong and again in the same year African Roll Ball Development Programme was conducted and since then the game of Roll Ball started growing steadily internationally and In all five Continents. In the year 2011 the game became popular almost in all 5 continents and the Roll Ball authorities met the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Switzerland and took part in the SPORTS ACCORD exhibition. Then in the years 2012 hosting of Asian Championship, African Championship and taking part in the Sports Accord sports exhibition at Canada made the game Internationally Popular. THIS GAME OF ROLL BALL WAS RECOGNIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS (MYAS) New Delhi on 4TH June 2013.INTERNATIONAL ROLL BALL CHAMPIONSHIPS Viewed all over the world.  5th ROLL BALL WORLD CUP, CHENNAI 2019 held at  ICF Indoor stadium Perambur & Montfort Indoor stadium Santhome Hr Sec.School Chennai from : 15TH TO 20TH November 2019 countries Participated from all 5 continents ( 27 Countries ).  5th Roll Ball World Cup 2019 for Men's Final between India and Kenya. India scored 9 goals and  Kenya scored 3 goals. Finally India won the 5th World cup 2019 Men's title in Roll Ball. 5th Roll Ball World Cup 2019 for WoMen's Final between India and Kenya. India scored 1 goal and Kenya scored 2 goals. Finally Kenya won the 5th World cup 2019 WoMen's title in Roll Ball. International Roll Ball Federation & Roll Ball Federation of India for the Prize Distribution Ceremony of the TVS 5th Roll Ball World cup 2019 *TODAY* Wednesday 20th November 2019 tobe held at 3.30 p.m. @ I.C.F.Indoor Stadium. SHREE VINEET KUBER PRESIDENT RBFI will Preside over the function SHRI R SUDARSHAN Area Manager TN 1, TVS Motors Chennai Has consented to distribute the prizes to the winners In The Presence of Shri CHANDRA MOULI Director Khadhi Board Shri MANOOHAR KANTH IAS (Retd) Shri MANOJ YADAV Director IRBF Mrs. RUCHI CHAWAHAN KHAN DIRECTOR ARBF Shri Devendra Bhoopati Jt. Commissioner GST Shri Elangovan Dayalan CEO SBLT #TVS #Rollball #worldcup #canada #sports #kenya