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Lisa Kudrow has never watched Friends

Written By Kevin Nealon on Thursday, Sep 12, 2019 | 01:45 PM

Kevin Nealon hikes with actress Lisa Kudrow in a Los Angeles canyon. Lisa chats about the inaccuracy of Wikipedia, her high school years, her high school reunion, Romy and Michele's High School reunion, her sister getting mistaken for her, cult movies, her show, 'Who Do You Think You Are,' taking a risk, why she got into comedy, analyzing comedy, a Friends reunion, renegotiating the Friend's deal, struggling to find the Phoebe character, Matt Leblanc's pranks on Friends, auditioning for SNL, The Comeback, her favorite guest on Friends, getting recognized, her love of nicotine, motherhood, the contents of her refrigerator, the clutter in her house, being a neat-nik, her love of oatmeal, the resurgence of Friends on Netflix, her annoying habit of sneezing loudly plus more. Theme song - 'Oil Rag' by @bradpaisley Thanks to @evogimbals