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Evolution of Zero Suit Samus' Moveset in Super Smash Bros. (2008-2018)

Written By Madao Joestar (Piccolo) on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 | 04:19 PM

while outside the suit, Samus focuses on making herself look more beautiful. here's the move order for anyone curious: A AAA sideA downA upA sidesmashA downsmashA upsmashA runA Jump J-airJump JneutralA JforwardA JupA JdownA JbackA JDodge JbackD JupD JdownD JforwardD B upB downB sideB Shield Sforward Sback Sdown Grab backG upG downG Gpunchpunchpunch Taunt sideT downT ShieldBreak FinalSmash