Home » Film & Animation » [楊逍x紀曉芙2019] 我以為我們會白頭到老

[楊逍x紀曉芙2019] 我以為我們會白頭到老

Written By Marshmallow teatime on Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 | 01:31 PM

Drama: 倚天屠龍記2019/ Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre 2019 Music: 雲の泣: 青玉案 I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING ONLY MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT Please bear with the mistakes in this FMV, whenever i open imovies, it slow downs my mac and i'm impatient so please forgive me! I feel like I've already emphasised how amazing 林雨申 acting is, so i dont need to re-type it lmao but honestly, ep27, when he visited 晓芙's grave, my heart broke. it was the scene that i was looking foward and it did live up to my standards. i spent at least a hour just rewatching that scene. i also realised that ever since 晓芙 died, 杨逍 never gotten the chance to mourn over her death (hence he's kind of in denial of her death) . honestly when he said 'wait for me', the first thing that came to my head was 'is he gonna suicide after he's done with his mission?' like please dont. though i can understand, because all these years, you can tell he's dead in the inside. but please dont suicide.