What did I learn between launching my first and second blogs that allowed me to make some serious money? We are going to find out in today's video.
✅ Make Money Blogging 💻 : From 0 to $1,000+ per day (2018)
🎦 https://youtu.be/bc4WKqnRW30
▶︎▶︎▶︎ Get Started Today with the "Make $1K Blogging" Free Course here:
➡️➡️➡️ http://Make1kChallenge.com
It took me almost 9 months of blogging CONSISTENTLY to make my first $100 from my blog.
But the cool thing is, I stuck with it and I figured it out. I also figured out social media marketing, email marketing, online marketing, and affiliate marketing. It takes all of these things to have a successful blog. 😄
When I launched my next site, in 9 months I was able to make over $100k. 💰
I originally opened this second site as a marketing tool for my financial planning practice. I didn’t realize that you could make that much money from a blog.
I found out about Google Adsense and added that to my site, after making my first $100, I started to educate myself. I researched, I talked to other bloggers and business owners. I found what topics on my blog made the most money. I learned how advertisements worked.
For me life insurance was a big hit, so I did a little more research and found a life insurance company that would pay me for good leads. So I created a site lifeinsurancebyjeff.com and started working on how to get readers to my site.
I found an EPIC blog post by Pat Flynn where he talks about a backlinking strategy. Other people had followed this exact same strategy and they were able to replicate the results with their own niche blog site.
✅ THE Backlinking Strategy That Works - Pat Flynn
I had my assistant read this blog post as well and start working on this strategy for me. I didn’t have a ton of extra time to work on this so I outsourced as much as I could to get this up and working for me.
One tool that I use is Mobile Assistant, I can dictate and talk as long as I want and let them transcribe the content for me. Then I started outsourcing my article writing. You can use sites like Fiverr and Upwork to find someone that can write in depth articles in the niche that your business focuses on.
I started publishing these articles and promoting them on social media. I also launched a Podcast and had a YouTube channel. This gave our content written, video, and audio platforms that we could use to promote.
It takes some time, work, and social connections to get to the point of making $100k. It doesn’t happen overnight.
I had several advantages when I got started, I was:
✅ Submitting guest posts
✅ Writing for bigger sites
✅ Working my blogging connections
✅ Pre-Established blog
All of these strategies allowed me to effectively use backlinking and get my site ranked in a short amount of time for some very competitive keywords.
At this point you are probably saying ‘That’s great Jeff, but it’s not going to work for me.’
I challenge you because I have seen so many other people create brand new websites and they have made a killing.
You need to find the niche, find the keyword or topic that is hot or something that will be established for quite some time. If you have an advantage to help you get there faster, TAKE that advantage and run with it.
I want to hear your stories - let me know in the comments who inspires you based on an action that they took and saw massive results? That is what wealth hacking is all about.
✅ Make Money Blogging 💻 : From 0 to $1,000+ per day (2018)
🎦 https://youtu.be/bc4WKqnRW30
#nichesite #makemoneyblogging
▶︎▶︎▶︎ Get Started Today with the "Make $1K Blogging" Free Course here:
➡️➡️➡️ http://Make1kChallenge.com
💰Wealth Hacker™ blog: https://wealthhackerlabs.com/
💻 Personal finance blog: https://www.goodfinancialcents.com/
🎙 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/good-financial-cents-podcast-investing-building-wealth/id775107294?mt=2
★☆★Pick up Jeff's best selling book, Soldier of Finance, here: ★☆★
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Jeff's favorite T-shirt line, Compete Every Day:
👕 https://www.goodfinancialcents.com/compete