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What are pH, EC, TDS, and PPM and How Are They Connected?

Written By Epic Gardening on Tuesday, Nov 21, 2017 | 06:07 PM

If you're new to hydroponics and have NO clue what all of the terminology means, this video is for you. Even if you're an intermediate grower and want to know what EC is, what TDS means, which you should use, and how it all connects to pH, make some time to watch this one today. The truth is that EC or electrical conductivity is the purest way to measure your nutrient concentration. TDS or total dissolved solids is a calculation based on EC that meters perform internally. TDS is measured in PPM, or parts per million and the calculation can vary based on the conversion factor. This is why you must know the conversion factor your meter is using if you're using TDS. Or you can simply switch to using EC and never have to worry about it again! Today's video is sponsored by Apera Instruments, makers of water and soil testing probes and meters. They kindly donated the PH20 and PC60 meters for me to make this video. IN THIS VIDEO → http://aperainst.com/ → PH20 pH Tester: http://amzn.to/2hKrBEM → PC60 pH/EC/TDS Tester: http://amzn.to/2z9YfGQ SUPPORT EPIC GARDENING → Shop: https://growepic.co/shop → Seeds: https://growepic.co/botanicalinterests LEARN MORE → All Our Channels: https://growepic.co/youtube → Blog: https://growepic.co/blog → Podcast: https://growepic.co/podcasts → Discord: https://growepic.co/discord → Instagram: https://growepic.co/insta → TikTok: https://growepic.co/tiktok → Pinterest: https://growepic.co/pinterest → Twitter: https://growepic.co/twitter → Facebook: https://growepic.co/facebook → FB Group: https://growepic.co/fbgroup DISCLAIMER Epic Gardening occasionally links to goods or services offered by vendors to help you find the best products to care for plants. Some of these may be affiliate links, meaning we earn a small commission if items are purchased. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. More info on our process: https://www.epicgardening.com/disclaimer/