Home » Gaming » Tobias Fate - GANGPLANK IS SELFISH, WELL IM SELFISH TOO | League of Legends


Written By Artful Highlights on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 | 02:41 PM

Selfish gangplank went through alot in his life lets givehim a break hes a humangangplankbodypillowcuckme .. 💗 Thanks for watching, Subscribe for more Highlights! 👍 ----------- 👍👍FOLLOW TOBIAS👍👍 ----------- ► Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCERp... 👍 ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tobias_Fate 👍 ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tobias-Fate-... 👍 ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fate_twisted_na 👍 ----------- 👍👍 My Socials 👍👍 ----------- ► https://twitter.com/muslimkeda ► [email protected] This video is a fair use content and its not against any rules of youtube , but if u still angry withsomething in this video contact me and i will take it down for u.or i can give u credits Be nice.. using a vod , from twitch is a fairuse of their rules if u read their rules, but if u think i damage ur content contact me.(i have permession to use tobias vods from his editor) #replay #highlights #tobias what is that meme? its a funny dank memes its a meme but dank one which i realy like lets just focus about tobias fate him self the best gp in world best gp 2017 xd. who is tobias fate ? he is a pro streamer streams on twitch.tv and he is known for his pro plays as gangplank as he is the best gangplank in the world ATM - he is also known for his twisted fate skills and he also plays Karthus as well and does well k. yes LEAGUE OF LEGENDS IS ALSO FOR KIDS haHAA. its family friendly af