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Thaumcraft 4.2 For Noobs - Getting Started (Volume 1)

Written By Selena Quartz Rose on Saturday, Jul 11, 2015 | 09:48 AM

Thaumcraft is a huge magic mod. Today in part 1 of Thaumcraft for Noobs we're going to go over the easiest path to progress through early game. This guide is for the most current version of Thaumcraft ( In this video we're going to cover: 1. How to make your first wand and obtain the Thaumonomicon 2. How to make the research table and research compound aspects 3. How to make and use the Arcane Workbench. 4. What is a Thaumometer and why should I make one? 5. Completed Research for Nitor 6. What is the Crucible? How does it work? 7. Completed Research for Goggles of Revealing - How to unlock and craft Goggles of Revealing 8. How to gather Vis in your Wand, how to charge Iron Capped Wooden Wand 9. Completed Research for Wand Foci, how to use Wand Foci (more details in ep. 2) 10. ASPECTS DISCOVERED: Lux, Motus, Victus, Potentia, Vacuos, Vitreus, Bestia, Mortuus, Praecantatio, Herba, Exanimus, Spiritus, Auram, Cognitio, Humanus ►► ENTER THE MATRIX ◄◄ ►► http://bit.ly/MCMatrix ◄◄ LINKS: Download Thaumcraft (Forum Thread): http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1292130-thaumcraft-4-2-3-5-updated-2015-2-17 Thaumcraft 4.x Research Helper: http://ythri.github.io/tcresearch/ Thaumcraft 4 Wiki: http://thaumcraft-4.wikia.com/wiki/Thaumcraft_4_Wiki Twitter: http://twitter.com/DocMinesalot Get the Technic Launcher: http://www.technicpack.net/download Buy Minecraft: http://minecraft.net/