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Summer with Cimorelli Episode 2 - "The Bright Idea"

Written By Awesomeness on Tuesday, Jun 10, 2014 | 10:00 AM

Get the Renegade EP! iTunes: http://po.st/yAXljl Google Play: http://po.st/N4RMyQ Spotify: http://po.st/TMW5D1 CLICK HERE TO WIN SIGNED CIMORELLI SWAG - http://ctt.ec/I0Ufq Episode 1 "Home Alone" - http://bit.ly/1n011BS What better place for Cimorelli to shoot their first video than a crowded beachside boardwalk? Check out the girls as they wow the crowd with their heavenly harmonies. #summerelli? 6 sisters, a Monkey, an empty house and no parents. What could possibly go wrong? → Credits ← → CIMORELLI ← ‣Visit our iTunes page to get music from Cimorelli! https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/ci... ‣Join the conversation by using #summerwithcimorelli ‣Check out the Cimorelli Shop!: http://cimorelli.spreadshirt.com/ ‣Look at the Cimorelli Website!: http://http://www.cimorellimusic.com/ ‣Like the Cimorelli Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cimorelliband ‣Follow the Cimorelli Twitter: https://twitter.com/cimorelliband ‣More pics on the Cimorelli Instagram: http://instagram.com/cimorelliband ‣Subscribe to Cimorelli for more! http://bit.ly/Sub2Cimorelli Produced by Content & Co. →DOWNLOAD THE AWESOMENESSTV APP!← http://bit.ly/RoJl99 →SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY AWESOMENESS!← https://bit.ly/Subscribe2AwesomenessTV → follow AwesomenessTV! ← twitter - http://twitter.com/awesomenessTV instagram - http://instagram.com/awesomenessTV tumblr - http://awesomenessTV.tumblr.com facebook - http://facebook.com/awesomenessTV google+ - https://plus.google.com/+AwesomenessTV snapchat - awesomenesstv → Check out all our shows! ← Beauty, Fashion and DIY - http://bit.ly/BeautyShows Musicians Behind-the-Scenes - http://bit.ly/ATVMusicShows AwesomenessTV Shows - http://bit.ly/ATVShows Comedy Sketches, Countdowns and Pranks - http://bit.ly/SketchesAndPranks → #ATVfamily ← join the AwesomenessTV Network for freebies and youtube support... you could even get featured here on AwesomenessTV! http://awesomenesstvnetwork.com love gaming and everything geek? check out AwesomenessX! http://youtube.com/awesomenessx Music provided by Extreme Music.