Home » People & Blogs » Sick Baby Boston Terrier Saying Momma

Sick Baby Boston Terrier Saying Momma

Written By Gloria Ross on Monday, Jun 23, 2014 | 05:35 PM

Little Boston Terrier, sick with upper respiratory illness, is so cute saying momma. This puppy only weighs 1lb 4ozs. What a fighter.....After this was poster this little guy finally went to a new home. Then about a month later he was given back to me and 4 days after I had him 4 days he came down with Parvovirus. This guy has had so many problems from day one. I am proud to say that Rambo (because he is such a fighter) is well and a big boy of 10 pounds. I am keeping him myself not because of the hospital bills but because I love this boy and would never let him go. He knew the day he came home from the hospital that he was home for ever.