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[DMS] Boys Boys Boys MEP

Written By DisneyMagicStudios on Monday, Feb 07, 2011 | 07:14 PM

Hello, everyone! This is our first MEP from DisneyMagicStudios of "Boys, Boys, Boys" by Lady Gaga! Members: Thank you members, who participated in this MEP, for an amazing MEP! Everyone did a magnificent job in their parts! Keep up the good work and you'll make our group a success! ^u^ Opening by member, BlackWitch709. Song: Boys, Boys, Boys Artist: Lady Gaga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Theme: The bad girls are going after the heroes' hearts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Part / Editor: Part 1: Holli Would x Jim (MsRachelEwok) Part 2: Maleficent x Hercules (puppyeyes92) Part 3: Ursula x Dimitri (gowergirl1986) Part 4: Jessica Rabbit x Jim (LoveAndHeartbreak) Part 5: Yzma x Dimitri (BlackWitch709) Part 6: Darla x Wybie (thejoker0123) Part 7: Jasmine x Derek (plumfairyindian) Part 8: Madame Medusa x Eric (Jessegoodwin263) Part 9: Odette x Aladdin (o0Evelien0o)